On Friday 10 Feb 2017 10:15:10 Mick wrote:

> Peter, some years ago I also reverted from testing to stable arch, because
> I was spending more time fixing breakages than actually using the OS. 
> From what I recall it took more than a month for things to settle.

I did it the easy way, by building a new system from scratch, so there 
shouldn't be any settling down in this case.

> Something which will help is if you clear out as much of your USE flags in
> make.conf and package.use as you can, before you run emerge -e.

You may have it there. Goodness knows how long they'd been there, being 
copied from one system to another, but I had pch, vaapi and vdpau in USE. I 
don't know how much difference pch makes in practice, but I'm running emerge 
-e world without those three. I'll let you know. This is USE now:

USE="-bluetooth -btrfs -fortran -gcj -geoloc -geolocation -gnome -iodbc
        -ldap -lirc -nis -odbc -systemd -thin -wifi -wireless -xinerama
        gpm handbook icu symlink"

> Also make sure your new user is member of the usual groups (plugdev, usb,
> audio, et al)

$ groups
adm lp wheel audio cdrom video cdrw usb users portage vboxusers boinc prh

Thanks for the reminders, Mick. No matter how hard I stare at USE, I still 
don't always see everything I should.


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