On Tue, Feb 07, 2017 at 03:08:58PM -0500, Rich Freeman wrote
> Did setting up those mounts actually work?  They should have.
> As far as unmounting goes, the handbook instructions recursively set
> up some mounts so you need to unmount stuff like /dev/pts before
> umounting /dev (and there might be other examples, I'm going from
> memory here).

  Yes, it works.

[i660][root][~] mkdir /home/misc/centos65/dev
[i660][root][~] mount --bind /dev /home/misc/centos65/dev
[i660][root][~] linux32 chroot /home/misc/centos65/ /bin/bash
[i660][root][/] su - pmbuilder

  And "ls -al /dev" shows a whole bunch of devices.  I think I'll leave
/dev bind-mounted, unless it causes problems down the road. 

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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