Right now, I'm using a 32-bit CentOS QEMU VM to build Pale Moon for
older machines.  There's the usual processing overhead of a VM, plus it
has to have it's own virtual disks with safety margin of space, plus 5
gigabytes of swap space inside the VM.

  What I'd like to do is a 32-bit CentOS chroot inside my 64-bit Gentoo
desktop host.  I'm looking at rsync'ing the / directory from inside the
CentOS VM file system to a directory on the 64-bit host, and then chroot
into the copy on the host.

  Is it possible?  Any booby-traps?  Has anybody here done something

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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