On Mon, 6 Feb 2017 19:12:42 +0100, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:

> Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> [17-02-06 19:08]:

> > To the best of my knowledge, patches applied by the ebuild are not
> > user-deselectable.
> > 
> > A workaround that you might be OK with is to copy that version of the
> > ebuild you use plus patches your own local overlay, remove the
> > offending patches from files/ and edit the ebuild if necessary.
> > 
> > This way, that version and only that version will do what you want.
> > If the maintainer fixes the issue and pushes gperf-3.1-r1 to the tree
> > then your locally modified ebuild won't be used anymore.
> thanks for the infos! That will help!
> Short meta-question: I haven't done this before
> and need some instructions...
> Since I am no native speaker, I often fail to
> find something specific (or ot will take much longer
> than usual).
> What is the "terminus technicus" here?
> "User overlay", "local overlay" or something with "layman" in 
> there?

I wouldn't bother with an overlay for this. Edit the ebuild or delete the
patches from the main tree and redigest the ebuild then merge it.
Everything will be reset at the next sync, but by then the package will
be installed so it won't matter.

I'd only bother with an overlay copy if I thought I was going to need to
re-emerge the package several times.

Neil Bothwick

At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from
the aisle arrive last.

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