On 06/02/2017 20:12, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> [17-02-06 19:08]:
>> On 06/02/2017 19:09, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> While compiling my new root, it fails again.
>>> Here is the desription what happens...solution is
>>> not to apply two of the patches of the ebuild.
>>> https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=605158
>>> But...how can I do this more convenietly than
>>> manually reversing the patchfiles?
>>> Can I instruct emerge not to apply certain patches?
>> To the best of my knowledge, patches applied by the ebuild are not
>> user-deselectable.
>> A workaround that you might be OK with is to copy that version of the
>> ebuild you use plus patches your own local overlay, remove the offending
>> patches from files/ and edit the ebuild if necessary.
>> This way, that version and only that version will do what you want.
>> If the maintainer fixes the issue and pushes gperf-3.1-r1 to the tree
>> then your locally modified ebuild won't be used anymore.
>> [I have to use this trick with several python apps I use and need
>> modified. It works well as long as I remember I've done it :-) ]
>> -- 
>> Alan McKinnon
>> alan.mckin...@gmail.com
> Hi Alan,
> thanks for the infos! That will help!
> Short meta-question: I haven't done this before
> and need some instructions...
> Since I am no native speaker, I often fail to
> find something specific (or ot will take much longer
> than usual).
> What is the "terminus technicus" here?
> "User overlay", "local overlay" or something with "layman" in 
> there?

This is a good guide:

section Custom Repository

Alan McKinnon

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