On Saturday 04 Feb 2017 23:28:37 Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On 04/02/2017 17:56, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> > On Saturday 04 Feb 2017 17:32:53 Alan McKinnon wrote:
> >> Modern kernels DO get nervous if they have no swap at all - it's used
> >> internally. So make a small amount of swap to make the kernel happy,
> >> say
> >> 64M or so. Yes, megs.
> >> 
> >> And if your machine sleeps to disk you will need swap large enough to
> >> store the memory image - it has to go somewhere and that is swap.
> >> 
> >> That's my advice. Now let the nay-sayers begin the argument
> > 
> > No argument from me, Alan. It isn't just the kernel that gets nervous -
> > I do too if I don't have any swap available. I have 32 GB and an 8 GB
> > swap, which I'm thinking of reducing (the swap, that is). My SSD is
> > only 256 GB and my boinc partition has filled up today, so I need to
> > recover some unused space.
> I'd be much more nervous about swap on SSD tbh.
> I can't imagine that working well, by it's nature swap is write-heavy

Just as well that it's hardly ever used, then. :)


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