> You might be correct, I'm reinstalling from fresh today so I'll put SWAP
> back.  Question, how much swap should I allocate?  Isn't the unwritten
> rule RAM * 2 so 32GB of swap partition? or RAM * 1.5
> --
> Thelma

This is like asking what brand of hard drive to buy.  Or what brand of
Mobo or even memory itself.  There is usually no right answer. 

I have 16GBs of memory.  I have 1GB of swap.  Sometimes I wish I had
more swap but for the most part, I wish I had more memory.  When it
starts using swap, this otherwise fast rig gets dead dog slow.  If I hit
ctrl F3 to switch to the desktop where Konsole is parked, it takes quite
a while to switch.  So, I don't like it using any swap at all but it is
better than it killing processes to keep it chugging along. 

The best advice, take past experience from how you use your system and
what you do with it and use that, maybe even add just a small amount to
be safe.  If you've never had a system use swap with the amount of
memory you have, have a small swap, for just in case.  If you have ran
into situations where you have had to use swap because you don't have
enough memory, may want to make swap bigger. 

On Alan's advice, keep in mind, Alan manages and deals with tons of
servers.  He's likely seen some strange setups that either are overdone
or underdone and learned from it.  One can learn a lot from overkill and
underkill.  As with anything, you don't want to waste space with to much
swap but if it comes to it, you want enough to keep you from crashing. 

How's that for advice?  lol 


:-)  :-) 

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