Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Jan 2017 19:08:58 -0600, Dale wrote:
>>> That's just sensible, although a new combination is more likely to
>>> fail because of the kernel than the init thingy.
>> The kernel loaded, it was late in the process, about or at the time the
>> switch root is supposed to happen, that it failed.  I might add, I
>> rebuilt the init thingy, rebooted it just fine.  I didn't touch the
>> kernel.  It was the init thingy that failed.  If it was the kernel, it
>> would have failed the 2nd time as well until I rebuilt the kernel.  I
>> was checking to see which failed.  What went wrong, don't know.  I just
>> know it failed to boot properly.  Odd thing is, I had booted with that
>> one before.  It worked but then failed on the next boot up.  Still, I
>> keep a couple old kernels just for that.  If just one works, I can work
>> on the others.
> I'm not saying the init thingy didn't fail in your case, just that that
> is the less likely scenario... at least for anyone but you ;-)

It seems that way for sure.  As long as they don't like me, I won't like
them either.  lol 

>>> You should try building your own. It's explained in the kernel docs
>>> and is a simple process. Once you have done it yourself a few times,
>>> you'll feel far more comfortable with the whole idea; then you can go
>>> back to doing it the lazy way.
>> Already tried it.  I never got it to work.  I practically copy and
>> pasted the thing and it sort of did like the Gentoo one that failed.  It
>> got to a point and failed.  I googled and found the same type of errors
>> but the solutions just didn't work for me.  I got tired of spending time
>> on it and kept booting without the init thingy.  Then dracut came
>> along.  So far, it's only failed once.  < Dale says a prayer > 
> Oh, dracut is certainly easier. But building your own gives a greater
> understanding of the process. I did it for a while, and it took a few
> tries to get it working (putting "set -x" at the top of init helps). I
> use dracut now.

It is easier with dracut for sure.  I wanted to make my own so that if
the dang thing broke, I know how it works and how to fix it.  I just
couldn't get it to work tho.  I may try it again one day, maybe with a
different guide next time.  Maybe it is something about my setup or
hardware.  I dunno. 

If anyone asked my what to use to make a init thingy with tho, I'd
recommend dracut.  Yea, it failed that one time but the others have
worked fine, so far.  What boggles my mind, it worked once then failed
after that.  I tested the crap out of that hard drive and the file
system because I still wonder/think about it getting corrupted. 

Leave it to me to find something weird.  o_O 


:-)  :-) 

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