On Mon, 30 Jan 2017 19:08:58 -0600, Dale wrote:

> > That's just sensible, although a new combination is more likely to
> > fail because of the kernel than the init thingy.
> >  
> The kernel loaded, it was late in the process, about or at the time the
> switch root is supposed to happen, that it failed.  I might add, I
> rebuilt the init thingy, rebooted it just fine.  I didn't touch the
> kernel.  It was the init thingy that failed.  If it was the kernel, it
> would have failed the 2nd time as well until I rebuilt the kernel.  I
> was checking to see which failed.  What went wrong, don't know.  I just
> know it failed to boot properly.  Odd thing is, I had booted with that
> one before.  It worked but then failed on the next boot up.  Still, I
> keep a couple old kernels just for that.  If just one works, I can work
> on the others.

I'm not saying the init thingy didn't fail in your case, just that that
is the less likely scenario... at least for anyone but you ;-)

> > You should try building your own. It's explained in the kernel docs
> > and is a simple process. Once you have done it yourself a few times,
> > you'll feel far more comfortable with the whole idea; then you can go
> > back to doing it the lazy way.

> Already tried it.  I never got it to work.  I practically copy and
> pasted the thing and it sort of did like the Gentoo one that failed.  It
> got to a point and failed.  I googled and found the same type of errors
> but the solutions just didn't work for me.  I got tired of spending time
> on it and kept booting without the init thingy.  Then dracut came
> along.  So far, it's only failed once.  < Dale says a prayer > 

Oh, dracut is certainly easier. But building your own gives a greater
understanding of the process. I did it for a while, and it took a few
tries to get it working (putting "set -x" at the top of init helps). I
use dracut now.

Neil Bothwick

What you don't know can hurt you, only you won't know it.

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