On Wed, 28 Dec 2016 10:56:16 +0000, Peter Humphrey wrote:

> Nice repartee on the side there. I'm actually just resurfacing from yet 
> another user account creation, because the message database yesterday
> was just an indescribable mess.
> Touch wood, this one might have succeeded after a good deal of finger-
> twiddling to give KMail time to do all its marking as read, moving
> folders into place and so on. Also frequent reboots to establish a firm
> basis.
> It means that I've lost any messages from the last two days, but at
> least I have Joost's detailed one to continue from.

Maybe this would be a good time to set up a local IMAP server...
> ("Never end a sentence with a preposition" - so we were taught.
> Personally, I think a preposition is a perfectly good word to end a
> sentence with. An adverb will also do nicely.)

Don't forget split infinitives - the construct that is absolutely
forbidden, but no one knows why. I had a production editor who picked me
up every time I used one. I pointed out that that battle was lost as soon
as Star Trek became mainstream.

Neil Bothwick

Q. How many radical feminists does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Two - one to change the bulb and one to write a book about the passive
role of the socket.

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