On December 27, 2016 5:39:09 PM GMT+01:00, Peter Humphrey 
<pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk> wrote:
>On Tuesday, 27 December 2016 15:19:29 GMT J. Roeleveld wrote:
>> On December 27, 2016 3:38:28 PM GMT+01:00, Peter Humphrey 
><pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk> wrote:
>> >On Sunday, 18 December 2016 19:07:23 GMT J. Roeleveld wrote:
>> >> More important, how is the latest kmail behaving?
>> >
>> >My first impression is one of horror. It's ghastly!
>> >
>> >I've never seen such profligate waste of screen space. I've attached
>> >couple of screen shots to show you what I mean.
>> Thanks :)
>> >Take the folder list, for example. I used to be able to show all
>> >folders in one panel with no scroll-bars, with no difficulty reading
>> >them; now eight folders spill over. I may be able to find a more
>> >arrangement but this is the best I've managed so far. At least with
>> >kmail:4 I could tweak Qt settings to condense it; now nothing I do
>> >any improvement.
>> I would expect font settings. In kmail:4 there is a display part in
>> settings menu. I never did anything directly with Qt to chamge
>> I have too many folders anyway for it to fit (unless I would have a
>> 4K screen...)
>You see how spaced out the folder list is? There's no setting for that
>KMail as far as I can see. The Qt Configuration tool has an Interface
>Under Global Strut you can set minimum width and height. The default is
>zero, giving Qt free rein to do what it likes, but I could set those to
>and kmail:4 would tuck all those folder entries up so that they fitted 
>without scrolling. It has no effect on kmail:5 though.

Is the qt config for qt4 or qt5?
You might need to find the settings/tool to apply to qt5. Kmail:4 is qt4 based.
(I never played with that tool, which package is it? And which command do I 

>> >Then the message view. Message.png shows what your message looks
>> >in this version of KMail (the message I'm replying to now). This is
>> >all the bells and whistles I can find switched off.
>> That actually looks nice to me. Do the minus (-) blocks actually
>allow the
>> quotes to be folded up?
>To each his own of course, but for myself, I just want the text with
>quoting. Yes the minus blocks do fold up, but all of them or none.
>no individual control.

That sounds like it's only halfway implemented. Hope they fix that.
The quoting is coloured like that based on a 'simple' algorithm, I would guess.
In kmail4, I think that was configurable?

>I found a new header selection. After switching it back from 5.2 style
>Fancy, it's back the way I like it.

Is that similar to the 'fancy' style from kmail4? I find that one the more 
natural option myself.

>> >Next, after I'd emerged kde-apps/kmai-16.12.0, it was incomplete. I
>> >to
>> >install several other packages to complete it, including the import
>> >wizard.
>> >Rather than messing about, I just emerged kdepim-meta and had done
>> >it.
>> >
>> >Even after doing that, I get "No backend available for spell
>> >even
>> >though I've set everything up that I can see. Myspell and hunspell
>> >both
>> >installed.
>> Hmm... that's not nice. Then again, I only use spell check for
>> Not emails. Never really trusted those ever since I saw dictionaries
>> automatically ruined by 'do you want to add this word to the
>Kmail:4 used to default to Australian English, no matter how many times
>reminded it I'm in the UK. This one has no back-end at all.

Speaking of English. I always wonder which would be a better match for someone 
who uses English mostly to deal with international friends and computers. I am 
Dutch myself, which means it's officially a second language for me. (Always 
wondered about that, as I speak several languages and fluency is simply a 
matter of which I speak regularly).
I usually throw a dice to decide between US and UK whenever I get asked.

>> >Nothing to do with KMail, but the display of gkrellm has changed
>> >dramatically. I use its Invisible theme, which hasn't actually been
>> >invisible since the switch from KDE-3 to 4, but it had a plain,
>> >unobtrusive
>> >grey scheme and showed what I wanted to see, clearly and with no
>> >Now,
>> >the chart backgrounds have changed from charcoal-grey to a dark red,
>> >and
>> >what was grey is now a dreadful salmon-pink. Of course I can't see
>> >red
>> >traces any longer. Perhaps I'm missing a KDE or Qt component.
>> Always possible. I tend to just install the meta stuff and be done
>> it.
>I've found a lot more KDE-5 meta-packages and installed those, but they
>haven't helped with this.

What about plasma-meta?
I think that pulls in the whole shebang?

>> >Oh, and when I start a reboot in KDE, akonadi crashes with a
>> >segmentation fault.
>> That is a bug. Hope it gets ironed out soon. Maybe still busy
>> your emails?
>Could be. I'll try leaving it for an hour or two.
>Since I wrote, I've noticed that the messages I imported from kmail
>are not all in the right folders - about 2000 have magically jumped
>from the 
>Purchases folder to the inbox. I'm also seeing a reversion to that old 
>problem of silly numbers of duplicates appearing in random places at
>times. I had hoped that would be among the first things to be ironed
>out in 
>the :5 version.

Again, could be related to killing akonadi while indexing.
Or corruption in the database caused by the segfaults.
You could try:
# akonadictl fsck
I usually restart akonadi first to ensure I can follow the messages in a 

> in konsole 1:
# akonadictl stop
# akonadictl status (repeat this till it says stopped)
# akonadictl start

> in konsole 2:
# akonadictl fsck

Then monitor in konsole 1 to see what it does. It actually reports on it's fsck 
status there with what it finds and fixes.

Personally, I think akonadi is a nice idea for when people store all their 
email locally. As I use IMAP to store my email, it does a lot of duplicate 
efforts. But with that, I have luckily been spared from the duplicate email or 
dissapearing email issues others have encountered.

>> >I dare say version 16.12.0 of KMail-2 will make a decent platform
>> >development, now that it's finally here, but a very great deal of
>> >lies ahead. I can see that I'll be doing my fair share of shouting
>> >at it and at the devs.
>> I'll try to get my desktop converted this week. And will join in the
>> bugreporting party.
>It would be good to have someone to compare notes with.

Give me some time to do the installation. Will need to first kill kde4 parts on 
the desktop before doing the upgrade.
I run mostly stable. Will see how that goes.

>> >I think I'll have to go down the pub to drown my sorrows.
>> Just don't climb behind the wheel of a car afterwards....
>No, it's just a wee stroll. Takes longer to get my shoes on.   :-)

Slippers and warm socks not an option? Saves a lot of time, I would think.
And the alcohol will make you feel warm enough, including your toes....


Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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