On Wednesday, December 28, 2016 11:29:53 AM Peter Humphrey wrote:
> (I've tried correcting indent markers in quoted bits but I've probably got
> some of them wrong.)

I can figure most of it :)

> On Tuesday, 27 December 2016 19:54:57 GMT J. Roeleveld wrote:
> > On December 27, 2016 5:39:09 PM GMT+01:00, Peter Humphrey
> > > >You see how spaced out the folder list is? There's no setting for that
> > >
> > >in KMail as far as I can see. The Qt Configuration tool has an Interface
> > >tab. Under Global Strut you can set minimum width and height. The default
> > >is zero, giving Qt free rein to do what it likes, but I could set those
> > >to 1 and kmail:4 would tuck all those folder entries up so that they
> > >fitted without scrolling. It has no effect on kmail:5 though.
> > 
> > Is the qt config for qt4 or qt5?
> It's version 4.8.7, so maybe it's for qt:4, which would explain its not
> affecting kmail:5  :)

If you know what it changes for qt4, you might be able to do duplicate the 
changes for qt5.
Alternatively, test:
% eix qt5ct
* x11-misc/qt5ct
     Available versions:  ~0.27-r1 {+systray}
     Homepage:            https://sourceforge.net/projects/qt5ct/
     Description:         Qt5 configuration tool, similar to qtconfig for Qt4

(Found it by googling for "qtconfig qt5", one of the results mentioned qt5ct)

> > You might need to find the settings/tool to apply to qt5. Kmail:4 is qt4
> > based. (I never played with that tool, which package is it? And which
> > command do I run?)
> It's in the KDE system applications menu.

See above :)

> [OT]
> > Speaking of English. I always wonder which would be a better match for
> > someone who uses English mostly to deal with international friends and
> > computers. I am Dutch myself, which means it's officially a second
> > language for me. (Always wondered about that, as I speak several
> > languages and fluency is simply a matter of which I speak regularly). I
> > usually throw a dice to decide between US and UK whenever I get asked.
> (Do you mean regularly, or frequently?  :P )
> Personally, I'd be deeply embarrassed if anyone thought I might be American.
> I have even been known to rebuke youngsters (gently) for saying "you're
> welcome" as being an Americanism.

Is it? I've come across that while living in the UK.

> On the other hand, while I was working in Minneapolis 25 years ago, some
> people though I was Australian! Not sure which is worse...
> [/OT]

Well.... were those people who actually ever left Minneapolis?

> > > >Nothing to do with KMail, but the display of gkrellm has changed
> > > >dramatically. I use its Invisible theme, which hasn't actually been
> > > >invisible since the switch from KDE-3 to 4, but it had a plain,
> > > >unobtrusive grey scheme and showed what I wanted to see, clearly and
> > > >with no drama.
> Looks like a bug report is needed against gkrellm.

I agree.

> > >I've found a lot more KDE-5 meta-packages and installed those, but they
> > >haven't helped with this.
> > 
> > What about plasma-meta?
> > I think that pulls in the whole shebang?
> I thought so too, but it doesn't. It seems to pull in just the bits you need
> to run a plasma desktop; applications are another matter.

I have the following meta packages in my world file:

Not sure if those 3 are all needed. Will be clearing out the desktop later.

> > Again, could be related to killing akonadi while indexing.
> > Or corruption in the database caused by the segfaults.
> > You could try:
> > # akonadictl fsck
> Good idea. I will if this new incarnation starts acting up again.

Mine doesn't yet. Looks ok, but did need to restart kontact once as it wasn't 
displaying the folder-contents earlier.

> > I usually restart akonadi first to ensure I can follow the messages in a
> > konsole:
> > in konsole 1:
> > # akonadictl stop
> > # akonadictl status (repeat this till it says stopped)
> > # akonadictl start
> > 
> > > in konsole 2:
> > # akonadictl fsck
> > 
> > Then monitor in konsole 1 to see what it does. It actually reports on it's
> > fsck status there with what it finds and fixes.
> Yes, I've operated that way a few times, but just using the one Konsole.

1 Konsole, multiple tabs...

> > Personally, I think akonadi is a nice idea for when people store all their
> > email locally. As I use IMAP to store my email, it does a lot of
> > duplicate efforts. But with that, I have luckily been spared from the
> > duplicate email or dissapearing email issues others have encountered.
> My ISP doesn't offer IMAP so I have to use POP. It suits me anyway, having
> all my e-mails under my own control.

I run my own IMAP server. My laptop, desktop and mobile phone all connect to 
that. This way I have all my emails available wherever I am.

> > >> >I dare say version 16.12.0 of KMail-2 will make a decent platform
> > >> >for development, now that it's finally here, but a very great deal of
> > >> >work lies ahead. I can see that I'll be doing my fair share of
> > >> >shouting too, at it and at the devs.
> > >> 
> > >> I'll try to get my desktop converted this week. And will join in the
> > >> bugreporting party.
> > >
> > >It would be good to have someone to compare notes with.
> > >
> > >--->8
> > 
> > Give me some time to do the installation. Will need to first kill kde4
> > parts on the desktop before doing the upgrade. I run mostly stable. Will
> > see how that goes.
> OK. In my case I must have had some stray USE flags in the kde:4 system
> which were impossible to sort out with kde:5. I ended up ditching the whole
> lot and installing a new system, setting make.profile to plasma right at the
> outset and only setting USE flags that portage demanded. Took a while.

I switched to the plasma-profile when I installed the desktop originally a 
couple of months ago.

I did have some issues with some other applications still depending on older 
kde and qt versions which prevented portage from fully resolving the 

If anyone tries the same, I can assist in how to find out what needs being 
removed. Basically, anything causing blockers.

> > >> >I think I'll have to go down the pub to drown my sorrows.
> > >> 
> > >> Just don't climb behind the wheel of a car afterwards....
> > >
> > >No, it's just a wee stroll. Takes longer to get my shoes on.   :-)
> > 
> > Slippers and warm socks not an option? Saves a lot of time, I would think.
> > And the alcohol will make you feel warm enough, including your toes....
> I'm not going walking round the village in my slippers, thanks all the same.
> We might have a maritime climate here, but even so...

If putting shoes on takes longer then walking to the pub, I'd consider getting 
footwear that is quicker to put on.


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