On December 27, 2016 5:39:09 PM GMT+01:00, Peter Humphrey <pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk> wrote: >On Tuesday, 27 December 2016 15:19:29 GMT J. Roeleveld wrote: >> On December 27, 2016 3:38:28 PM GMT+01:00, Peter Humphrey ><pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk> wrote: >> >On Sunday, 18 December 2016 19:07:23 GMT J. Roeleveld wrote: >> >> More important, how is the latest kmail behaving? >> > >> >My first impression is one of horror. It's ghastly! >> > >> >I've never seen such profligate waste of screen space. I've attached >a >> >couple of screen shots to show you what I mean. >> >> Thanks :) >> >> >Take the folder list, for example. I used to be able to show all >those >> >folders in one panel with no scroll-bars, with no difficulty reading >> >them; now eight folders spill over. I may be able to find a more >compact >> >arrangement but this is the best I've managed so far. At least with >> >kmail:4 I could tweak Qt settings to condense it; now nothing I do >makes >> >any improvement. >> >> I would expect font settings. In kmail:4 there is a display part in >the >> settings menu. I never did anything directly with Qt to chamge >anything. >> I have too many folders anyway for it to fit (unless I would have a >BIG >> 4K screen...) > >You see how spaced out the folder list is? There's no setting for that >in >KMail as far as I can see. The Qt Configuration tool has an Interface >tab. >Under Global Strut you can set minimum width and height. The default is > >zero, giving Qt free rein to do what it likes, but I could set those to >1 >and kmail:4 would tuck all those folder entries up so that they fitted >without scrolling. It has no effect on kmail:5 though. > >> >Then the message view. Message.png shows what your message looks >like >> >in this version of KMail (the message I'm replying to now). This is >with >> >all the bells and whistles I can find switched off. >> >> That actually looks nice to me. Do the minus (-) blocks actually >allow the >> quotes to be folded up? > >To each his own of course, but for myself, I just want the text with >some >quoting. Yes the minus blocks do fold up, but all of them or none. >There's >no individual control. > >I found a new header selection. After switching it back from 5.2 style >to >Fancy, it's back the way I like it. > >> >Next, after I'd emerged kde-apps/kmai-16.12.0, it was incomplete. I >had >> >to >> >install several other packages to complete it, including the import >> >wizard. >> >Rather than messing about, I just emerged kdepim-meta and had done >with >> >it. >> > >> >Even after doing that, I get "No backend available for spell >checking," >> >even >> >though I've set everything up that I can see. Myspell and hunspell >are >> >both >> >installed. >> >> Hmm... that's not nice. Then again, I only use spell check for >documents. >> Not emails. Never really trusted those ever since I saw dictionaries >get >> automatically ruined by 'do you want to add this word to the >dictionary'. > >Kmail:4 used to default to Australian English, no matter how many times >I >reminded it I'm in the UK. This one has no back-end at all. > >--->8 > >> >Nothing to do with KMail, but the display of gkrellm has changed >> >dramatically. I use its Invisible theme, which hasn't actually been >> >invisible since the switch from KDE-3 to 4, but it had a plain, >> >unobtrusive >> >grey scheme and showed what I wanted to see, clearly and with no >drama. >> >Now, >> >the chart backgrounds have changed from charcoal-grey to a dark red, >> >and >> >what was grey is now a dreadful salmon-pink. Of course I can't see >the >> >red >> >traces any longer. Perhaps I'm missing a KDE or Qt component. >> >> Always possible. I tend to just install the meta stuff and be done >with >> it. > >I've found a lot more KDE-5 meta-packages and installed those, but they > >haven't helped with this. > >> >Oh, and when I start a reboot in KDE, akonadi crashes with a >> >segmentation fault. >> >> That is a bug. Hope it gets ironed out soon. Maybe still busy >indexing >> your emails? > >Could be. I'll try leaving it for an hour or two. > >Since I wrote, I've noticed that the messages I imported from kmail >archive >are not all in the right folders - about 2000 have magically jumped >from the >Purchases folder to the inbox. I'm also seeing a reversion to that old >problem of silly numbers of duplicates appearing in random places at >random >times. I had hoped that would be among the first things to be ironed >out in >the :5 version. > >> >I dare say version 16.12.0 of KMail-2 will make a decent platform >for >> >development, now that it's finally here, but a very great deal of >work >> >lies ahead. I can see that I'll be doing my fair share of shouting >too, >> >at it and at the devs. >> >> I'll try to get my desktop converted this week. And will join in the >> bugreporting party. > >It would be good to have someone to compare notes with. > >--->8 > >> >I think I'll have to go down the pub to drown my sorrows. >> >> Just don't climb behind the wheel of a car afterwards.... > >No, it's just a wee stroll. Takes longer to get my shoes on. :-)
Peter, Quick update on the qtconfig. On my machine, I can only find the qt4 version. There doesn't seem to be a qt5 version. That explains why the setting doesn't work with kmail:5. -- Joost -- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.