On 161218-15:29-0500, Walter Dnes wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 07:43:47PM +0100, Miroslav Rovis wrote
> > [So I don't understand why you] thought dbus was needed to be disabled
> > by other means, than the (as yet still) unofficial repo/overlay?)
> > 
> > Or am I missing something?
>   You are looking at the Pale Moon overlay.  I did not know about it
> when I first used Pale Moon.  I originally downloaded the official
> version tarball from http://linux.palemoon.org/ which needs dbus.  I

I'll look at those later, likely in the next, or some later email.

First, I installed Pale Moon, but by no means is the task over.

And not just because I had issues, i.e. couldn't log into Pale Moon forum:

SSL-key logging with Pale Moon (the current title)
( and great if we get some insight here by seniors as to why the
apparent *fork bomb* or something happened ).

( Pls. do note that Pale Moon can SSL-key log just fine, except, it's an
old version of the nss library that Pale Moon uses, which is likely not
a good thing. )

But even more, because I only really install in my master Air-Gapped
Gentoo --link missing, because I haven't transferred my bookmarks yet...
No, I just installed, it's completely trivial, via GUi, takes in the the
Firefox bookmark JSON just fine...):

Air-Gapped Gentoo Install, Tentative
link not missing--

...and I really install only what I can verify.

So, is there anywhere that I can read on the Wiki, where I can figure
out how I could git-install in completely verifiable way? Plus...

Plus: I want to be able to clone that install, from this online clone to
my master Air-Gapped installation, how?

One thing I never stop being excited about it the emerge-webrsync and
the fact that every package in Gentoo is verifiably signed by the Releng
team, and that's as safe as you can get in any distro in the world. The

Now came the git install, with the git pack thing and all. May be very
safe, but how do I know it? How do I verify it?

I remember having read, either on gentoo-dev or on the wiki, or
somewhere else, that some devs do have this concern that I also voiced

Any advice will be appreciated!
Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

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