On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 07:43:47PM +0100, Miroslav Rovis wrote

> [So I don't understand why you] thought dbus was needed to be disabled
> by other means, than the (as yet still) unofficial repo/overlay?)
> Or am I missing something?

  You are looking at the Pale Moon overlay.  I did not know about it
when I first used Pale Moon.  I originally downloaded the official
version tarball from http://linux.palemoon.org/ which needs dbus.  I
built Pale Moon from source with several changes in the mozconfig file.
I also built it with gcc 5.4.0 with additional optimization.  Gentoo
stable currently uses gcc 4.9.3.

  dbus was included in the original code from Firefox before the forking
took place for a few reasons...

* "necko-wifi" for improved geo-location, which you probably do not want.
  Since Pale Moon is separate from Firefox, they don't have a licence to
  use Google's wifi database.

* WebRTC.  I don't think it's enabled on the official version

  then Pale Moon can ask it to temporarily disable screensaving while
  you are playing a long video.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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