Jorge Almeida <> writes:

> On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 6:52 AM, Andrew Savchenko <> wrote:
>> On Sun, 18 Dec 2016 02:48:28 -0800 Jorge Almeida wrote:
>>> I tried Ctrl+click (any button) on an xterm window, to bring up the
>>> menu (which I never used before; after reading a recent thread about X
>>> (in)security, I was trying to access the secure mode for password
>>> entering).
>>> This crashes xterm. The logs:
>> On xterm-325 "secure keyboard" mode works perfectly fine for me.
>> Try to change font used by xterm, there are many ways to do this, I
>> prefer to put in ~/.Xresources:
>> xterm*faceName: DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Bold
>> xterm*faceSize: 15
>> Anyway, application should not crash, so if your system is
>> up-to-date (not only xterm, but Xorg, freetype and friends as well,
>> so better update all system) and bug is still here, please report
>> it on bugzilla.
> My system (stable) is up-to-date, and I actually have XTerm*faceName:
>             xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:style=book:antialias=true in
> .Xresources.
> The logs complain about helvetica, and I found similar stuff in the
> net (not necessarilly about xterm). This appears to be a font problem,
> which is essentially voodoo to me. xterm crashing instead of just
> failing to bring up the menu seems to be an xterm bug indeed, but the
> real problem is what to do to solve the missing fonts problem.

This works for me:

XTerm*termName:  xterm-256color

XTerm*activeIcon:       true
XTerm*background:       black
XTerm*foreground:       green
XTerm*cursorColor:      Red

XTerm*multiScroll:      on
XTerm*jumpScroll:       on

xterm*FaceName:         xft:Source Code Pro:pixelsize=14:style=Regular

XTerm*ScrollBar:        false
XTerm*SaveLines:        1024

There's a Gentoo package for that font (which I can highly recommend).

Perhaps it has to do with a font not being available in the size needed
for the menu?

> I have xterm emerged with "openpty truetype unicode" USE flags. I

same here

> can't imagine why the menu would require an "usable ISO8859 font"...

Try using another window manager?

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