I tried Ctrl+click (any button) on an xterm window, to bring up the
menu (which I never used before; after reading a recent thread about X
(in)security, I was trying to access the secure mode for password

This crashes xterm. The logs:

Warning: Cannot convert string
"-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*" to type

Warning: Unable to load any usable ISO8859 font

Error: Aborting: no font found

Google shows that this "adobe-etc" problem is recurrent, but no clear solution.

My /etc/fonts/conf.d, in case it is relevant:

10-autohint.conf            40-nonlatin.conf   65-nonlatin.conf
10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf  45-latin.conf      69-unifont.conf
11-lcdfilter-default.conf   49-sansserif.conf  80-delicious.conf
20-unhint-small-vera.conf   50-user.conf       90-synthetic.conf
30-metric-aliases.conf      51-local.conf      README
30-urw-aliases.conf         60-latin.conf


Jorge Almeida

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