> No he isn't offering a solution. He claims that nobody is forcing me to
> using systemd. Well, Gentoo isn't indeed, but the other distros are.
> I just asked him for a solution. I couldn't find one so far.
If you want to use Debian but want to ditch systemd people already
mentioned a couple of posts above how to do it. If you are blind in your
rage nobody can help you. I'd say you can for the latest debian with
sysvinit support and maintain your own sets of start and stop scripts
for new software. You will even have examples written for systemd. But
luckily for you somebody has already scarified time to do so. You could
also port OpenRC to Debian or any distribution which pleases you. Maybe
you even find funding to do so.
> But I guess you are also one of those Poettering fanboys when I read
> your arguments.

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a Poettering fanboy.

And why should a Gentoo based system draw more power than any other
Linux distro?


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