Am Wed, 28 Sep 2016 03:30:20 -0400
schrieb Philip Webb <>:

> 160927 Philip Webb wrote:
> > I've been trying out KDE 5 for the past week & generally it's
> > usable.  
> One nasty little problem erupted when I accidently stuck a note
> to the background on all desktops : eventually, I discovered
>  ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc ,
> which stores the state of things at logout ;
> deleting a few lines in that file removed the offensive blot.
> A couple of further irritations : (1) how do you do Vertical
> Maximise ? -- with Fluxbox I have it set to Alt-F3 , but I can't find
> it in KDE.

It's in the global hotkeys in category kwin.

I've set that right clicking the maximize title bar button maximizes
horizontally for me, left click vertically, pulling the window to the
edge maximizes both directions.

And then I've set Meta+up to maximize a window (Meta+down minimize,
Meta+left = left half, you get the idea). So I know shortcuts are there.


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