160928 Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Sep 2016 03:30:20 -0400, Philip Webb wrote:
>> One nasty little problem erupted when I accidently stuck a note
>> to the background on all desktops : eventually, I discovered
>>  ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc ,
>> which stores the state of things at logout ;
>> deleting a few lines in that file removed the offensive blot.
> I've done that a few times.  There's a menu bar that pops out
> when you put the mouse pointer on the right-hand edge of the note
> with an option to delete it.

Thanks for the info, which I'll make a note of,
but I don't think I'll test it until I have to (grin).

PW> how do you do Vertical Maximise ?
> -- with Fluxbox I have it set to Alt-F3 , but I can't find it in KDE.
NB> Middle-click on the maximise button for vertical,
> right-click for horizontal (these can be changed of course).
> To set the shortcut, go into the Shortcuts -> Global Keyboard Shortcuts
> section of System Settings and select KWin from the dropdown.
> Then you can set the shortcuts, there are none defined by default.

Yes, both work : activated, noted & thanks again.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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