On 14/07/16 08:04, Mick wrote:
>> For missing icons and network places, it would be nice to know
>> more. 
> Please see attached screenshot.  The menu has no icons, only text.  
> Configuration options are limited compared to KDE4.  Delete, instead of Move 
> to 
> Trash, is not configurable.  However, pressing Shift before or after a right-
> click menu has been invoked changes Move to Trash to Delete.

For the missing icons, is this inside a Plasma session? What's the
output of "env | grep XDG_"?

As for delete, did you check "Delete" in the services configuration?

>> It is expected that kim4 (kdelibs4-based) does not work with
>> KF5-based Dolphin.
> This was a very useful facility for me.  I hope kim5 will be brought out.

I did a really quick test by copying the service files to the KF5
location (/usr/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus) and ran a couple of
operations and it seemed to work OK.

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