On 15/04/16 16:06, Alan McKinnon wrote:
On 15/04/2016 15:00, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
On 15/04/16 01:10, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
We even had the choice of installing both KDE3 and 4 at the same time.
made transition far easier and it allowed me to get settled in due
time. So
I'm not particularly worried about the next few months, especially
with the
modularity and interchangeability of today's KDE components.

You cannot install KDE5 without uninstalling KDE4.

I was told this is an upstream decision, not Gentoo's fault.

Partially true.

It's plasma 4 and 5 that cannot co-exist, not KDE

Yeah, KDE. ;-)

I mean common, when people say KDE, they mean the desktop, not kcalc or koffice or kmail.

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