On Monday, April 11, 2016 11:34:03 AM Peter Humphrey wrote: > On Saturday 09 April 2016 11:12:51 Mick wrote: > > I noticed today that Plasma 5 is now stable, which means I will soon have > > to deal with it. > > I saw that too, and it cast a gloom over the rest of my day. I intend to > stick with KDE-4 until some more sensible themes become available in Plasma > 5, so I hope someone will be keeping an archive of KDE-4 somewhere, as in > the earlier case of KDE 3 -> 4. > > Last time I searched for Plasma 5 themes (or design methods, in case I might > be able to create my own) I came up empty handed. My objection to the > available one is that it's just ugly: acres of wasted space everywhere, and > great blocks of solid colour, some of which are actually buttons without > looking like them. Nothing subtle or sophisticated about it at all. > > If anyone can point me to a better theme I'll be grateful.
You could try the following: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/ocd-plasma5-theme?content=175772 I am not fully convinced, but then again, I quite like "Breeze Dark" with "Air" so far. But still looking for a really nice one. (My design skills are non-existent) -- Joost