> * Fernando Rodriguez <frodriguez.develo...@outlook.com> [150829 12:59]:
> On Friday, August 28, 2015 2:24:37 PM Rich Freeman wrote:
> > Those who wish to use git can do so, and I'd encourage people to try.
> > It really does have a lot of advantages.  Oh, and it makes it really
> > easy to contribute patches/etc (just edit whatever you want in
> > /usr/portage and type git diff).
> I wouldn't advise that on the portage tree because if you edit any files under
> version control git will refuse to pull new changes until you either commit
> the changes or undo them by checking out the file.
It will still pull but you'll potentially have conflicts to resolve.

A bad idea in any case.


Now many repositories use git, and I need to know how to make changes to some 
files, hopefully a small number, but still be able to update with git.

I keep the modifications somewhere for safekeeping, as well as the originals, 
but would want to see the updated files straight before remaking my 

I looked through man pages, git pull --rebase didn't work; I got error 
messages.  Should I do "git reset" or should I "git checkout" each modified 
file one-by-one before "git pull"?

There is a lot in git, learning git all the way through looks like a tall order.


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