On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 06:45:47PM +0000, Alan Mackenzie wrote:
> There are all sorts of stupidities in it - like `push' and `pull' not
> being opposites

That's fair.

> `clone' not producing a clone, but a new repository
> radically different from the original.

That is not true. It is a clone, just with all of the most recent
versions of the files checked out and availble for editing.

> Unnecessary arcane teminology, and standard terminology perversely
> used to mean something different.

That's also fair. I remember reading a bunch of stuff about the git team
generally doing the exact opposite of Subversion whenever they could
because they disliked it so much.

> > If you understand the design you'll know that there must be a way to
> > do something, but you'll spend 15min figuring out which command line
> > utility does it best.
> I don't want to have to understand the design.  I just want to be a
> user.  I've got enough things competing for limited mental capacity as
> it is.

What? I don't think Rich means understanding all of the implementation
details, just high-level concepts like what a branch is, what a commit
is, and merging and rebasing. These topics - branching, merging, etc. -
are central to how a team works, so it is important to understand them
and how whatever VCS you're using deals with them.


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