On 9/22/05, Neil Bothwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 14:59:55 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
> >    I'm looking at this mythbackend server machine using top. Sometimes
> > the CPU usage goes to essentially 100%, but only in the 'wa' section.
> > What is 'wa'? I searched through the man page but didn't see anything
> > about this.
> Waiting. I usually see it go up during heavy disk I/O.

Thanks Neil. That's helpful.

Seems strange to me that I saw a lot of 'waiting' while this one
'fireworkx' screensaver even in xscreensaver-demo. Basically I'm
getting a pretty consistent

12 % CPU
42% Nice
40% Waiting

It appears to me that when the screensaver burns up that much
horsepower, whether it's CPU+Nice or CPU+Nice+Waiting, then
mythbackend is having trouble. My first test of recording something
new but making sure a low power screensaver was in effect worked just

Again, thanks for the info.

- Mark

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