On 9/23/05, Neil Bothwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 17:52:17 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
> > It appears to me that when the screensaver burns up that much
> > horsepower, whether it's CPU+Nice or CPU+Nice+Waiting, then
> > mythbackend is having trouble.
> Why are you running a screensaver on a server? ;-)
<LOL!> Ah, life is never that simple is it my friend? ;)
Dragonfly is my wife's desktop machine. It sits in our family room and
is fairly close to the media center so it got drafted as the
mythbackend machine. It has the two PVR cards for capturing video and
a 160GB drive, but a good chunk of the drive is storing our CD
collection. 750CDs, approximately 50GB. In the end there wasn't enough
video storage left on that drive (about 40 hours) to make everyone
happy so Myth's video storage is across the network on an NFS mount.
Clearly the screensaver runs because it's used mainly as her main
desktop but is also a server for Myth.

Myth14 is a Pundit-R. It only does MythTV and sits in the Media Center
stack of receivers, amps, cable boxes, etc. Unfortunately the
Pundit-R's are too small to cleanly accept a PVR card. You will read
stories about people managing to get one in, but I didn;t feel like
screwing up my cards so I didn't got that way. Further the PVR cards
get a bit hot and I'm not confident of the cooling in this boxes so
the machine is currently only a Myth frontend box for viewing on the

This was the 4th Pundit-R I built so in this one I put a 250GB drive
even though Gentoo/MythTV only take up about 3GB. There is a 240GB
partition on this machine for video storage which is exported with NFS
for Dragonfly to mount.


Dragonfly is a desktop but acts as the Myth backend server
Myth14 is a Mythfrontend but acts as an NFS server

Life is never that simple... ;-)

- Mark

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