On Sunday 21 Dec 2014 11:44:04 German wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Dec 2014 11:30:49 +0000
> Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I spake too soon!  :-(
> > 
> > I just tried to boot my Asus MoBo A88XM-PLUS, after I disabled CMS and
> > switched Secure Boot to other OS (as opposed to MS Windows), with
> > sysrescuecd-4.4.1.
> > 
> > Unfortunately I can't get a console due to this error:
> >  error: no suitable mode found.
> >  Booting in blind mode
> > 
> > Any idea how to progress from here?  Is it possible with sysrescuecd?
> Mick, you are going right after my steps ( or I go where you go ). Just
> tried to boot sysresc 4.4.1 with exactly the same error message. Duh.
> Looks like many people with the same problem.

OK, this is what I did to progress with the installation.

1. Things that didn't work:

Editing the kernel options for nomodesetting (disable KMS option) did not work

Similarly, specifying forcevesa=1024x768 did not work.

2. What worked:

Typing blind after waiting for a while to make sure the CD had booted up to 
set up the root passwd and then to start sshd, allowed to access the PC over 
sshd and commence the installation.  Of course, this will only work if your PC 
is connected to the LAN.  I have no solution at the moment for air-gapped 

On the keyboard type blind:

passwd root
/etc/init.d/sshd restart

Then find the IP address of the new PC.  In my case arping and some guessing 
of the next IP that the router would have issued worked, but you can use arp-
scan, nmap, or some such tool, or even check your router's dhcp tables.

Then ssh root@<new PC's IP>, enter the passwd you set up above and you're good 
to go with the installation, following the hand book and the wiki suggestions 
for UEFI.


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