Thanks Poison. SystemRescueCD is capable of booting in uefi so I can install 
gen too from it? I have heard good things about it

"Poison BL." <> wrote:

>On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 10:34 AM, German <> wrote:
>> That's where I think the problem lies Mick. My system is uefi. Too bad that 
>> gen too officially doesn't support it. I just wish gentoo developers take a 
>> closer look at the issue and come out with uefi capable minimal installation 
>> CD and clear uefi installation documentation
>Well, while it's not covered in the official side of the install docs,
>this wiki page was how I handled my system when I first ended up with
>a UEFI laptop here (Win8 didn't even make it 12hrs for me ;) --
>It only has one minor issue, and that's the lack of mentioning first
>and foremost that, to configure UEFI, you have to be UEFI booted
>already (it does get around to noting it about the halfway mark). Any
>UEFI compatible linux livecd/usb will work, though.
>Poison [BLX]
>Joshua M. Murphy

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