On Friday, December 05, 2014 03:08:25 PM James wrote:
> Marc Stürmer <mail <at> marc-stuermer.de> writes:
> > The sad thing about hibernation is, that it has always kinda been some
> > kind of lackluster in the kernel and quite disappointing. It is a kind
> > of area which does not get much love in the kernel for at least over one
> > decade.
> > 
> > So if you want to get this working reliable, good luck. You'll need it.
> Hibernation depends on a myriad of CPU variants, setting and the matching
> memory issues. (U)efi is a good place to start your long, arduous journey
> of research [1] ; see S4.

Not my experience, suspend-to-disk works quite well. The biggest issue was 
with certain drivers not being able to re-initialize certain hardware. (Yes, I 
am talking about the likes of Nvidia)
With current kernels, it does work though.

> I would research the problem and fix it with winblows as the operating
> system, if possible; then hope that those setting are not changed
> by booting linux. Often you can copy the bios setting from the laptop
> and find tools to at least view the contents legibly. It does depend
> on the bios. Maybe you need a vendor supplied bios update/downgrade.
> Maybe Coreboot, has some old work laying around that is relevant to
> your needs [2]. It is mostly a research journey, that may lead
> to success or failure. Hard to say, as sometimes the same make and
> model of a laptop, has diffent internal components (like firmware, bios
> and chips)...

For suspend-to-ram, I agree.
Suspend-to-disk can be handled by the OS.


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