2014-12-04 17:58 GMT+01:00 Michael Vetter <michael.vet...@uni-konstanz.de>:
>> Did you try suspending using the echo command I mentioned earlier?
> Yes, it seemed to work (just starting up again didn't).
>> You can set the resume partition in the kernel. Might be an option.
> Okay, so I changed my kernel command string from "root=/dev/sdb2" to
> "root=/dev/sdb2,resume=/dev/mapper/g-SWAP".

In my menuconfig I have a space separated list, not comma separated.
So I guess the boot failure is, that the kernel can't find the root
partition /dev/sdb2,resume...

> Then typed your suspension command again, now the system isn't booting
> up anymore: kernel prints trace.
> --
> Michael

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Randolph Maaßen

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