Am 30.11.2014 um 17:39 schrieb Daniel Frey: > systemd most certainly is monolithic as well as modular. You can't run
journald without systemd and you most certainly can't replace journald with a third party binary.
IMHO this type of discussion leads to nowhere. Of course you can view it like that or the other way around and both sides will be always right, and if saying it's monolithic, well, so is X11 which is also not quite unixy to speak of. But it is accepted.
Even if you view systemd as modular as possible, it will not solve the other problems for you, if you've got them with that kind of software, and for most people that's Lennart Poettering, his track record of software, his ego and GNOME attitude ("my way or the high way"). YMMV.