On Sunday 30 Nov 2014 12:29:07 Marc Stürmer wrote:
> Am 30.11.2014 um 12:44 schrieb Philip Webb:
> > A rather shrewd analysis ; the name 'Devuan' adds to my suspicions.
> Well, the people behind it claim to be mostly from Italy and this should
> be pronounced like "DevOne."
> People so far who have published their names do include:
> - Franco Lanza (who fixed a misconfiguration at the nginx setup of
> devuan.org he claimed) and
> - Teodoro Santoni, who claimed to be a junior-jack-of-all-trades in the
> original VUA group, going to be a maintainer of whatever is going to be
> needed.
> Source:
> https://lists.dyne.org/lurker/thread/20141127.212941.f55acc3a.en.html#20141
> 127.212941.f55acc3a
> This still leaves quite in the dark who's the initiator behind it, which
> kind of leadership there's at the moment - or is there none?
> And, of course, the possible other people being involved so far.

The request for funding when not much code has been written yet makes me 
suspicious.  Nevertheless, I support moving away from a RHL sponsored 
monolithic binary and hopefully if not today it will happen eventually.


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