On Friday 24 October 2014 7:22:24 AM Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 11:53 PM, Fernando Rodriguez
> <frodriguez.develo...@outlook.com> wrote:
> > On Monday 20 October 2014 10:59:52 AM Michael Mattes wrote:
> >> And that is because of the additional features? :-D
> >
> > I've had issues with the additional features too. Some of the USB serial
> > devices don't get detected. But this is fixed by disabling the Gentoo 
> > options. I may be wrong but I think they're just configuration patches, not 
> > actual kernel sources. I do use the vanilla kernel because at one point I
> > needed features from a version that wasn't yet on portage.
> >
> How long ago was this?  It looks like gentoo-sources just tracks the
> stable kernel, and so does vanilla-sources.  If you want mainline you
> need git-sources, assuming you aren't just pulling them from git
> yourself (an option you of-course have with vanilla too).
> The config items in the gentoo-sources are really just master switches
> to turn on everything needed by openrc/systemd/etc - they're
> conveniences just like meta-packages in portage.
> Now, gentoo-sources DOES include additional patches, and some of them
> are features.  It is of course entirely possible that they could cause
> problems, but I imagine that they're selected fairly carefully.
> The general philosophy mixed with some very dated info can be found at:
> http://dev.gentoo.org/~mpagano/genpatches/
> --
> Rich

Not that long ago maybe 2-3 months, it may be very close behind upstream but 
at that time it was. 

It is the master switch that still causes the USB problem for me. I don't know 
exactly how that works but none of the usb serial drivers in the kernel have 
my device id hardcoded on the devices table, if I add it to some of the 
drivers and recompile they get detected but work only if I use file IO system 
calls to communicate with it. If I just disable the gentoo master switches it 
works out of the box with any application. Everything else that I need works 
fine with the switch disabled.
Fernando Rodriguez

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