On 10/22/2014 01:12 AM, Ajai Khattri wrote:
> Ive been running postgrey for years without any problems but today I 
> noticed I hadn't gotten email for awhile and realized upon investigation 
> that postgrey wasnt running so postfix was rejecting mail.

For what it's worth, recent versions of postfix ship with a
pre-screening daemon called postscreen. It has a suite of tests that
work after the initial greeting, and thus have the "negative" side
effect that the client must be disconnected (temporarily) if it passes:


  The main limitation of "after 220 greeting" tests is that a new
  client must disconnect after passing these tests (reason: postscreen
  is not a proxy). Then the client must reconnect from the same IP
  address before it can deliver mail.

In other words, it greylists them. So if you're already running a
separate greylisting daemon, it's safe for you to enable postscreen and
turn on the "deep protocol tests" (see the README). That way you get
postscreen's benefit for free and don't need to worry about running a
separate greylisting daemon any more.

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