On 22/10/14 06:12, Ajai Khattri wrote:
> Ive been running postgrey for years without any problems but today I
> noticed I hadn't gotten email for awhile and realized upon
> investigation that postgrey wasnt running so postfix was rejecting mail.
> What's maddening is that I can run postgrey quite happily from the
> command line in the foregorund, but if I try to use the init script or
> otherwise try to daemonize it, it silently crashes:
> # /etc/init.d/postgrey start
>  * Starting Postgrey ...
>  [ ok ]
> # pgrep -af postgrey
> Its not running.
> The logs dont show anything useful. If I ask the init script to be
> verbose I see this:
> # /etc/init.d/postgrey start --verbose
>  * Caching service dependencies ...
>  [ ok ]
>  * Starting Postgrey ...
>  * start-stop-daemon: fopen `/var/run/postgrey.pid': No such file or
> directory
>  [ ok ]
> #
> which doesn't make much sense.
i had this happen the other day, it's an issue with postgrey + perl 5.18

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