On 08/23/2014 11:22 AM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On 23/08/2014 09:51, Alexander Kapshuk wrote:
>> On 08/23/2014 10:31 AM, Samuli Suominen wrote:
>>> xfce4-power-manager-1.3.0 and older uses UDisks 1.x for controlling disk
>>> spinning, like to reduce it
>>> xfce4-power-manager-1.3.1 and higher removed UDisks 1.x dependency and
>>> the spindown feature, supposedly it had issues
>>> and doesn't work with SSD anyway... anyways, upstream decision to not
>>> use udisks anymore
>>> so, i recommend upgrading to 1.3.1, adding it to package.keywords if
>>> required
>>> thanks,
>>> samuli
>> Thanks for your response.
>> I remember being advised on this list against mixing both stable and
>> unstable packages as much as possible.
>> Does that still hold true? Or would it be OK to pull this one in without
>> braking anything unnecessarily?
> I think you have a wrong impression. There is actually not much wrong
> with mixing stable and unstable as long as you do it sensibly.
> What you shouldn't do is to wantonly mix packages in @stable and other
> basic libs and still expect it to work. Stable gcc and unstable glibc
> with jpeg, zlib and openssl all mixed and matched any old way is certain
> to show inconsistencies (as you will be the only person who has ever
> tested that combination).
> What is being proposed here is that you take one userland package
> (xfce4-power-manager) and upgrade it to the new version. It's highly
> unlikely to break anything and I can tell that just by looking at it's
> purpose and where it fits in the stack. It will either work or not, and
> the list of things that might link to it are a rather small list indeed.
> So just give it a spin, you can always revert if it's incompatible with
> everything else you have.
> The answer to the last question you pose is correctly "mu" as no-one can
> possibly answer it properly. The best we can do for you is paint the big
> picture and ask you to try then report back if it works, as I have done
> above.
I'll give that whirl. Thanks.

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