On 08/23/2014 10:31 AM, Samuli Suominen wrote:
> xfce4-power-manager-1.3.0 and older uses UDisks 1.x for controlling disk
> spinning, like to reduce it
> xfce4-power-manager-1.3.1 and higher removed UDisks 1.x dependency and
> the spindown feature, supposedly it had issues
> and doesn't work with SSD anyway... anyways, upstream decision to not
> use udisks anymore
> so, i recommend upgrading to 1.3.1, adding it to package.keywords if
> required
> thanks,
> samuli
Thanks for your response.

I remember being advised on this list against mixing both stable and
unstable packages as much as possible.

Does that still hold true? Or would it be OK to pull this one in without
braking anything unnecessarily?


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