On 01/08/2014 22:02, behrouz khosravi wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 1:07 PM, Douglas J Hunley <doug.hun...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> You seem to be slightly confusing two different things. There is 'emerge
>> --sync' (or emerge-webrsync) which maintains your copy of the portage tree
>> and then there's 'emerge --update' which actually downloads the source,
>> compiles, and then installs it. ...
> Well actually what I am I thinking is that doing a sync operation,
> makes portage aware of new packages and when I
> for any reason give the "emerge --update ..." command it tries to
> fetch new packages.

Yes, that is exactly what it is designed to do.

When portage is asked to emerge something it generates a list of
packages to be examined, and it will *always* want to upgrade the entire
list to the most recent version (subject to arch and mask/keyword rules).

There is no way round this as this is the expected behaviour when you
sync something - the result of any sync action is to bring your system
up to date with some master system.

If you don't want portage to do this, then don't sync so often

> Although I don't know if any situation forces me to issue update on a
> outdated portage tree!!!


Portage uses your local copy of the tree. It really couldn't care if it
is very new or very old, it uses what you have.

You decide when to update the tree, not portage; and you update your
tree on whatever schedule you decide

Alan McKinnon

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