On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 7:30 AM, behrouz khosravi <bz.khosr...@gmail.com>

> Is it save to sync my portage not very often, say every month or two,
> so when I install something I wont be warned that some of my packages
> are outdated?
> In this manner I wont need to mask my packages, to prevent them from
> updating, right ?

You seem to be slightly confusing two different things. There is 'emerge
--sync' (or emerge-webrsync) which maintains your copy of the portage tree
and then there's 'emerge --update' which actually downloads the source,
compiles, and then installs it. Running 'emerge --sync' or 'eix-sync' or
'emerge-webrsync' downloads *very* little (ebuild files, updates to package
masks, etc). There's nothing stopping you from running a sync every day but
only *updating* packages every month. The two are separate operations.

It's probably not a bad idea to sync relatively often so you can see what
changes are happening and can 'eselect news read' to keep up with
announcements even if you don't plan on actually upgrading for long periods
of time

Douglas J Hunley (doug.hun...@gmail.com)
Twitter: @hunleyd                                               Web:
G+: http://google.com/+DouglasHunley

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