On Friday 16 May 2014 18:09:08 Jörg Schaible wrote:
> Mick wrote:

> > What else could I try?
> x11-wm/enlightenment:0.17 ~amd64

Thanks Jörg, this (partly) worked and put me on the right path.  So, now I 
have in /etc/portage/package.keywords/enlightenment:

  x11-wm/enlightenment:0.17 ~amd64

and in /etc/portage/sets/enlightenment:


Portage no longer tries to pull in e16 when I emerge set '@enlightenment' 
because the latter is only asking for SLOT :0.17.  Of course, if I try 'emerge 
-1aDv enlightenment', then all bets are off without explicitly masking e16 off 
as Alan has done.

Thank you both for your help!  :-)


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