On Friday 16 May 2014 13:44:37 Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On 16/05/2014 14:38, Mick wrote:
> > After all these years I still can't find my way around SLOT management
> > needed for enlightenment.
> > 
> > I want to emerge the latest available in the tree, which right now
> > happens to be (~) 0.18.7.  So I added this in my keywords:
> >  > =x11-wm/enlightenment-0.18.7:0.17 ~amd64
> Either drop the "=" or drop the SLOT ":0.17"
> = always means a specific version is to be specified and a SLOT is not a
> version

OK, dropping "=" still wants to install e16.

Dropping ">" still wants to install e16.

Dropping the SLOT ":0.17" still wants to install e16.

There must be some way of bringing in any >=0.18.7:0.17, but not 'x11-

What else could I try?

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