On Wed, 19 Feb 2014 04:54:08 -0600, Daniel Campbell wrote:

> > There are technical arguments for and against systemd, which is why
> > this thread was started, rhetoric about forcing default profiles on
> > people when there is no such thing as a default profile only serve
> > to cloud the real issues.

> Insistence upon technical-only discussion is a bit dishonest imo, as
> free software is more than code. Without the social practices,
> community, etc, there wouldn't be free software. So I think
> non-technical concerns can be relevant to discussions on a project,
> especially ambitious ones that seek to greatly change the ecosystem.

Fair point, but attacks, name calling and arguments about the relevance
of analogies do nothing to help the discussion.

Neil Bothwick

Never get into fights with ugly people because they have nothing to lose.

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