On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 1:30 AM, Carlos Sura <carlos.su...@googlemail.com> wrote: > Hello Mates, > > I finally thought that I got this working, so now I am dealing this issue: > I choose the latest kernel with systemd and GDM starts good, but I cannot > log in to gnome as a normal user, I can only log in to gnome as root. > > What I have done before this started: > > emerge -uDvaN world > emerge --depclean --ask > emerge @preserved-rebuild > > Then it just happened. > > What I've tried so far: > - .xinitrc with exec gnome-session for user and root > - emerge -1 $( qlist -IC x11-drivers/ ) > - emerge @x11-module-rebuild > - X -configure > > > Another note: > Starting gnome as normal user just hang, apparently it wants to start but it > cannot start. Neither doing: startx. > > I am using for xorg: > VIDEO_CARDS="intel vesa" > > Any help?
Could you please boot up your machine, let GDM start, and then from a console do "systemctl --all --full", and post here its output? Also, can you try to do: USE="systemd -consolekit policykit" emerge -uDNvp world Does any package wants to be reemerged? Lastly, does your kernel contains all the configuration options required by systemd/udev? Regards. -- Canek Peláez Valdés Posgrado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Computación Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México