Hello Jochen,

Thank you for your help.

Here is the Xorg log: http://tny.cz/69b4662a

Regarding the gdm session.log I don't have it. Here is
the /var/log/gdm/:0.log : http://tny.cz/35e886e2

Here is my emerge --info: http://tny.cz/10262247

On 1 October 2013 00:52, Jochen Kirchner <j...@acidc0re.info> wrote:

>  Am 01.10.2013 08:30, schrieb Carlos Sura:
> Hello Mates,
>  I finally thought that I got this working, so now I am dealing this
> issue:
> I choose the latest kernel with systemd and GDM starts good, but I cannot
> log in to gnome as a normal user, I can only log in to gnome as root.
>  What I have done before this started:
>  emerge -uDvaN world
> emerge --depclean --ask
> emerge @preserved-rebuild
>  Then it just happened.
>  What I've tried so far:
> - .xinitrc with exec gnome-session for user and root
> -  emerge -1 $( qlist -IC x11-drivers/ )
> - emerge @x11-module-rebuild
> -  X -configure
>  Another note:
> Starting gnome as normal user just hang, apparently it wants to start but
> it cannot start. Neither doing: startx.
>  I am using for xorg:
> VIDEO_CARDS="intel vesa"
>  Any help?
>  Regards
>  --
> Carlos Sura.-
> www.carlossura.com
> www.carlossura.com/blog
> Hi,
> have you looked in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log?
> And I think the GDM session log is in /home/*user*/.cache/gdm/session.log.
> Regards,
> Jochen
> --
> "There is only one god, and his name is Death.
> And there is only one thing we say to Death: 'Not today'."
> - Syrio Forel, Game of Thrones
> http://acidc0re.info

Carlos Sura.-

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