Weird - I thought I replied to this a while ago (I know I started one),
but it disappeared, and is not in my Sent folder and it never made it to
the list...
On 2013-09-29 2:55 PM, William Hubbs <> wrote:
I am the OpenRC author/maintainer and a member of base-system. I can
tell you that we are not discussing forcing systemd on everyone in
Gentoo Linux as a default init system. I can also tell you that I am not
aware of the Gentoo systemd team discussing this. Even if they were, a
distro-wide change like this would have to be brought before the
Thanks very much for this William. I will take you at your word and will
stop worrying about the whole systemd thing (unless/until evidence
warrants revisiting it)...
So, now I just have to get up the nerve to attempt the merging of my LVM
based /usr into my / so I don't have to worry about an initramfs.
There are no technical reasons it shouldn't work - my / is 19G, with
18GB free right now. My /usr currently takes up 13GB, so merging should
leave mw with 5GB free...
Does anyone see an issue with a 19GB / with merged /usr and only 5GB
free? Was I correct in my statement to Dale that there is nothing used
by or stored in /usr that could consume that last 5GB and crash my
server (ie, like a runaway log can fill up /var)?
Thanks again...