On 2013-09-28 6:36 PM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
So this brings us back to the essential technical problem that still
needs to be solved on your machines:

/usr needs to be available (and not only for BT keyboards) at the
earliest possible opportunity - this is a technical constraint. To
guarantee that, you need to either merge /usr with /, or use an
initramfs to guarantee that /usr is available before anything else
happens in userland.

It*really*  is that simple. If you have a better solution than my last
two choices, then I am all ears.

Ok, and if this is all true, I can accept it.


Technically, you could include /var/lib/ and maybe even /opt in there.
but we can safely exclude those at this time as only a brain-dead moron
would ever put init-critical code there.

I also have /var on a separate (LVM) partition. What I'm AFRAID of, is that some 'brain-dead moron' will, sometime in the future, arbitrarily decide that having a separate /var will *also* require an initramfs because some *other* brain-dead moron (who happens to have enough clout to shove their garbage down our throats)... then what is next /home?

It seems to me like the more likely case is that someone somewhere wants to require BOTH systemd AND an initramfs in ALL cases, and this is just the first step in that progression.

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