On Wed, Sep 25 2013, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 10:00 PM,  <gottl...@nyu.edu> wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 25 2013, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
>>> Don't mask anything, just make sure that systemd (both virtual/ and
>>> sys-apps/) is not on package.keywords.
>> This system is ~amd64 (I should have said that earlier).
>> I would create
>>   /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/systemd
>> and put in it two lines
>>   -~sys-apps/systemd
>>   -~virtual/udev
> No, I thought you were in amd64, not ~amd64. If you are in ~amd64,
> putting things in /etc/portage/package.keywords should be useless.

Actually that is not correct.  Note the - before the ~.  I read man
portage and found out about this (see below).  It mentions running
mostly stable and mostly unstable.

> Mixing amd64 and ~amd64 is not supported; it usually works if you are
> in amd64, and you only keyword some select packages: that's the way I
> use GNOME 3.8, soon 3.10, in an otherwise stable system.

It is true that the primary reason for my using testing is for gnome-3.
My long term goal is to go to stable for my main system.  But, of
course, that takes quite a bit of time to let the unstable packages die
off (or quite a bit of effort to force the downgrades).

> If you are trying to downgrade systemd for the problems related to
> GNOME and logind in 206, I'm happy to report that version 207
> (available since Sep 14) solves everything; at least in my desktop and
> laptop. You should try it.

I am running sys-apps/systemd-207-r2.  Booting has become MUCH worse.
I will send details to you off list.

thanks again for your continual help,

================ man portage extract ================

      package.accept_keywords and package.keywords
             Per-package  ACCEPT_KEYWORDS.   Useful  for  mixing
             unstable packages in with a normally stable  system
             or  vice versa.  This will allow ACCEPT_KEYWORDS to
             be augmented for a single package.


             # always use unstable libgd
             media-libs/libgd ~x86
             # only use stable mplayer
             media-video/mplayer -~x86

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