On 17/09/2013 15:22, Grant wrote:
>>> Performance doesn't seem to be one of ZFS's strong points.  Is it
>>> considered suitable for a high-performance server?
>> ZFS is one of the fastest FS I am aware of (if not the fastest).
>> You need a sufficient amount of RAM to make the ARC useful.
> How much RAM is that?
> - Grant

1G of RAM per 1TB of data is the recommendation.

For de-duped data, it is considerably more, something on the order of 6G
of RAM per 1TB of data.

The first guideline is actually not too onerous. It *seems* like a huge
amount of RAM, but

a) Most modern motherboards can handle that with ease
b) RAM is comparatively cheap
c) It's a once-of purchase
d) RAM is very reliable so once-off really does mean once-off

Alan McKinnon

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