On 2013-08-18 11:44, Daniel Campbell wrote:

> Systemd has a monolithic design, is headed by an egotist with no respect
> for other developers, and cannibalizes other projects. The projects it
> can't cannibalize will be strongarmed into irrelevance. Couple this with
> Red Hat employees working on both systemd and GNOME, with a very clear
> agenda to vertically integrate them, and you have a recipe for a closed
> and/or heavily limited operating system. This is becoming clear with the
> way GTK+ 3.x is handled, too.

Seems to me everything Gnome related is becoming the proverbial metric
ton gorilla (on steroids, in a china shop)... Systemd follows that
pattern. And Lennarts "track record" with avahi and pulseaudio does not
inspire confidence, imho... I'm sure, given time, systemd will pull in
Gnome as a building dependency... I joke of course, but then again
nothing really surprises me anymore when it comes to the above mentioned

The supposedly advantages that systemd[1] has over other init systems
are, supposedly:
1. To allow parallel boot of system services
2. cgroup integration
3. Re-start of services

In my opinion:
1. Most of the time spent when cold booting is spent in the BIOS/UEFI
cycle (around 30 seconds), the time from grub display to login (I'm
using "slim") is 5 seconds (max). Ergo, parallel boot will do nothing
for me. The parallel boot and the starting of services is also the thing
that "breaks" the separate /usr philosophy (without static binaries).
2. cgroup can be handled by OpenRC as well. Not that I see much
improvement, if any, over pre-cgroup kernels... So no advantage there
either, for me.
3. Re-start of services (a.k.a. daemons in the UNIX world). Why would
anyone want an automatic re-start of a daemon is beyond me. If a daemon
crashes/doesn't start properly then it will not work by automatic
re-start; I would like to believe that starting a daemon is not a
stochastic process... I, however, would like to be told that it doesn't
start so I can fix it. OpenRC does the latter well.

Systemd also replaces the following services[1]:
sysvinit, initscripts, pm-utils, inetd, acpid, syslog, watchdog,
cgrulesd, cron, atd

...which obviously makes the code more complex, which goes against the
KISS rule[2]. On a personal note, I like this quote best (from [2]):
"It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to
add, but when there is nothing left to take away"

For the record... size comparisons (from [3]):
OpenRC (0.9.3): sysvinit + 300 files, ~30k lines, 3.3k posix sh, ~12k C
(sysvinit: 560kB, 75 files, ~15k lines)

systemd (v44+): dbus + glib + 900 files, 224k lines, 125k C
(D-Bus: 11MB, ~500 files. 300k lines, 120k C)
(glib: 72MB, ~2500 files, ~1.7M lines, ~430k C)

Also, integrating the services into one tool (systemd) makes a more
fragile system (again, imho)...

> I don't approve of an init system (or any other software) becoming
> everything-and-the-kitchen-sink. UNIX philosophy is being forgotten by
> these developers, and they openly condemn it while benefiting from it at
> the same time. While the job of init could be argued as complex or
> multifaceted, an init system can still "do one thing, and do it well":
> Bring the system to an initial state. At the core, it means populate
> sysfs (or an equivalent), start the specified daemons, load the relevant
> modules, and standby until an event signals it to shutdown or restart.
> No splash screens needed, no need to swallow a device management system,
> no need to replace logging mechanisms, and so on.

>From [4]:
"Those who don't understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly." :-)

> Coupling systemd with udev was a political move, not a technical one. It
> was a deliberate effort to force their software on the FOSS world, with
> the false pretense of "standardization", which is a buzzword among
> developers that's effective at garnering support. The sad part is people
> bought it. They will regret this move.

Standardization per se is not a bad thing, i.e. protocols, APIs etc.
(like POSIX)... I agree that Lennart and Kay motives are political
though. Also, Lennart says this ([5]):
"So, get yourself a copy of The Linux Programming Interface, ignore
everything it says about POSIX compatibility and hack away your amazing
Linux software. It's quite relieving!"

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemd
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keep_It_Simple_Stupid
[3] http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Talk:Comparison_of_init_systems
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_philosophy
[5] https://archive.fosdem.org/2011/interview/lennart-poettering

At the end of the day I want the compute power in my computers/devices
not to spend *one* cycle unnecessarily and it is very hard for a
"kitchen-and-sink" system to do that, imho. I would very much like to
see a "LEGO" approach (i.e. small individual tools with well defined
interfaces that can work together) which imo is the UNIX philosophy.

Best regards

Peter K

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